“LOVER of simplicity, early mornings & sunrise, meditation, kindness, compassion & gratitude, chai tea - actually, any tea, salubrious nourishment, reading, learning, educating and red lipstick.”
I have multiple human roles. The very first is being a mum. It’s a tough job that I didn’t have to interview for or even really decide whether I was capable or the right fit. It just happened and the 4 amazing souls that have evolved from me make me feel so incredibly proud to be the person they look to for everything.
Second is a specialist birth educator. My interest in birth comes from personal experience including the allure of the awe-inspiring structure of human anatomy. I recognised that not only did I love talking, I got a kick out of educating others on exceeding their own expectations.
My third niche in my life and other huge love is practising as a Dr of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Wholistic care is innate for me and ingrained within my family. There isn’t a day I don’t have this medicine infused into my/our life.
I bring to you a well rounded, educated and non-fluffy approach to understanding how you and birth can work together. You’ll love the empowering high you get from just knowing you are gong to be alright.
Now, read on, to get to know me a little better.
My Darlings
The textbook birth.
My first birth and my only boy. He was born at Cabrini Private to a flow of midwives surveying the composure of a new life through the birthing suite doors. This birth was characteristic of a typical scenario with waters gushing, slow sensations and unanticipated interventions. This is where my own sheer ability blew me away and the moment I could see what control actually looked and felt like. This babe is a serene yet sensitive soul with an supernatural feel to managing 3 sisters.
The flowing birth.
Essentially a more confident and relaxed birth swiftly missed by my engaging Obstetrician and amazing just the same. I had upgraded my skill set to become acquainted with how the pregnant body worked in labour. It was another grateful moment of the power of the female form to extend itself beyond my beliefs. My favourite birth of all the baby’s. This little lady is my alter ego.
The demanding birth.
Having an empowering sense of self in regards to pregnancy & birth, I allowed myself to be more in the moment with this one. My conscious approach to motherhood was already in motion and this particular pregnancy was differing in its needs. Number 3, was as speedy as #2 and personally transformative as I really acknowledged that this birth stuff was not a fluke and giving into the moment was essential. It spurred my passion for encouraging women to understand their birthing bodies better and to unearth ways of working with fear and pain. #3 is the introvert of the bunch, esoteric and magical in her aura. She is a real lover all all things ‘out there’ with a zeal for shells, sticks & bhakti meditation.
The spirited birth.
Having positively embedded the confident nature of what my own body could do, birthing #4 was possibly a non-event in comparison. She started quick, arrived smoothly and easily allowing her to come home within hours of leaving the space she inhabited. This child glues us all together with her take on how the world should run. She is sassy & funny and exceptionally loving and my finest model of breath work and how to calm the heck down.